Thoughts On Self Care

I had a pamper day the other week, I had a little spurt of "OMG I love baths!!"  and decided I was going to go all out and have a good 'ol pamper. Some people do this on a weekly basis, but for me I see it as a massive chunk of time wasted.. well, not wasted but, there is so much you could do in the time you spend doing nothing. Which is rich actually coming from me because I don't do anything anyway. But anyways, I was snapchatting my 'pamper experience' as every teenager tends to do these days. And I just felt like it should become a blog post.. but I didn't want to do a post where I say "oh hello, today I put on a face mask" because I don't think that's all that interesting.
So I've done some brainstorming, some thinking and I decided to make this post about something a little more personal -which seems to be a recurring theme at the moment on here.

I'm sure everyone's heard of self care, and it's a phrase that seems to be floating around a lot lately, because with all these gadgets, technology, and stress in the world at the minute, it's something a lot of people aren't prioritising anymore.
Self care is the way you look after yourself, how you as a person are responsible for when you sleep, get out the house, what you eat, your hygiene, your social life. It's basically you ensuring you have your basic needs to keep yourself a healthy, happy person.

It's no secret the world is a mess, everyone's got their problems, everyone is mentally ill.. (everyone being a generalisation) And people just aren't taking care of themselves. There are days, particularly lately, where I've felt like utter crap. That's completely down to the fact I'm not looking after myself.
I'm going to bed at 8pm because I have nothing better to do- and too much sleep is just as bad as not enough sleep. I wake up feeling groggy all the time because the only place I want to be is under the comfort and security of my covers.
Aside from the excessive amounts of green/peppermint tea I drink, nothing nutritious goes in to my body on a daily basis. I can get quick sick in the mornings so I often don't eat, but I'm eating a sandwich at lunch and most probably a pasta dish for dinner. My body is full of carbs, which is energy food, and I'm not using any energy so it sits in my body, causing me to be extremely agitated until the carbs turn into fat and cling to my body for a lifetime.
My personal hygiene, (I'm not disgusting, I do shower) is so bad, I live in a room which currently has a mountain of washing in the corner, pieces of scrap paper from college, and wrappers. It's not like this all the time, but I should clean my room more, I should change my sheets more, I should brush my hair more, wear it down more, make myself presentable more. 
My social life, I'm very close with my mum, we speak for hours and hours and hours about life and it's wonders, and things that make no sense (to the point I accidentally had a day off school once because we'd been talking whilst getting ready and before we knew it, it was 2pm and I'd missed th entire day..) But aside from that, I have a friend who may no longer be my friend.. and two people I keep in contact with since college. That is my social life. Which is embarrassing to put out into the world but.. there you go.

But I'm not unhappy with my life, I have been the past few days/weeks, because I've been like (as above). When things are good -which is more often than not, I go out for morning runs, I speak to my friends more, I put a bit of makeup on, I do my washing and clean my room, and I eat a bit better. And drink a hell of a lot of tea.

That's me. But this post is about self care. Everything I mentioned above, that's pretty much everything that's wrong in my life except the big future word. And all of it is controlled and sorted by self care. 
Right now I'm reaching that point of "I refuse to feel like this anymore" I'm getting out the worst of my bad period so if I feel like crap I'm forcing myself to take a shower, change my sheets, do a load of washing, and sit down to some music. And instantly I feel better about myself. A shower can honestly do wonders. I've yet to rid of that huge mountain of washing, and my room is slowly getting done, and I'm leaving the house a teeny bit more. 
And that's all it takes.
It's like a switch has been flicked. I'm instantly transformed into this over bubbly, jumpy, smiley person again. And once you feel a little bit good, it takes the weight off your shoulders a bit and inspires you to stay that way.

So no, having a pamper session isn't a waste of time. Sometimes you have to be selfish and make sure you look like a princess, because if your happy on the outside then you are on the inside. 
And if you eat nutritiously, you're getting your happy vitamins.
And if you sleep well you're get up easier, bouncier and prepared to take on the day.

I'm just making rambling thoughts, but self care is so much more important than one might think, and I just really wanted to get it across that every so often people should reflect upon their life, make sure you really are looking after yourself, we are our own worst enemy and responsible for our own bodies, and health. But really, I just wanted to say "oh hello, today I put on a face mask"

Shaan x


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