Hello, I Fancy A Little Catch Up.
I've been so awful at posting at the minute! And none of my posts seem all that cheery and "woo! Yeah!" and I think it's just because I'm in a very strange place at the minute. I wouldn't say I'm having a bad time because I feel fine, but I had an outburst of mega rage the other day which has never happened in my life. Ever. And I feel like I've been on autopilot a lot, I haven't done anything because -I don't even know, I've been on autopilot.
Which feels a little too personal for the internet but ah wells. Today I seem to be back myself, I don't know how I'll wake up tomorrow morning but today I'm bubbly and outgoing, so I'm going to write a post about life lately. I haven't really done a 'we went here today' post in a looong time so I'm just going to post a few pictures I've taken over the last few days/weeks and just chill, and chat, and be myself for a bit.
I'll start with a horrible droney thing that I've been continuously posting about since I started the blog. My fricken' future. I have to do something this year. It's looking like a gap year, except it's October and since July I've been at home doing nothing. This is something I'm naturally okay with, it's probably why I'm on autopilot at the minute, but I'm okay with my own company. Not in a lonely sad way, but in a way that I can get things done when I haven't got people breathing down my neck or distracting me, I can listen to music without headphones, etc. But I'm really not leaving the house enough. I drop my brother off at school and pick him up everyday so I'm still breathing fresh air... But to me, that's not going out of the house. I had a friend who was coming round during her lunch break at work but other than that I see no one. And I've just realised how bad that is. I'm honestly leading a really sad life right now.
But a job is on the cards. However it's become such a big thing now for me to get a job, that every time it's mentioned I want to curl up in bed and cry! I'd love to be in a job, I don't care what job, but if I could just wake up and be in a job that would be lovely. But the process of finding one is not something I'm familiar with, I don't understand this side of the world and it's terrifying.
The thing is I have to get a job, there's no question about it, it's something that has to be done. I'm just kind of waiting around to fall lucky -I'm not stupid, I know that ain't happening, it's just easier to kind of wait...
Okay, droney bit over. Today we did our weekly shop and I'm very excited to talk about it. We bought some Ben & Jerry's, which is a rarity to be honest, the next flavour on my list was Baked Alaska, and it did not disappoint. To the point I think it's become my favourite flavour.
We also found some squeeze its!! Which I spoke about in my childhood favourties post, they don't taste as good as I remember, but they are great.
My favourite buy, which I've only taken one sip of and I'm not 100% sure on the taste.. is Arizona tea, the Green Tea With Honey one. This is all over Instagram. All over Tumblr. And is very aesthetically pleasing to my eyes. I've been after one for ages so I'm happy I finally found one. I tried to take an artsy Instagram photo with it, but we all know it ain't that great..
And that's my highlight of the week.
But for reals, my main life highlight right now is my cats. I've spent a lot of time these past weeks in bed because they love my bed, and they love cuddling with me. And you just cannot get out of bed when you're being cuddled by kittens.. Mikey also is starting to enjoy being fussed and he'll come cuddle and purr for a bit. But looking after kittens in general is so much fun -and stress don't get me wrong. It took me 10 minutes to tie my shoe laces this morning because Lillie was chewing the ends and un-tieing them, and it's really hard to try and take laces off of a cat...
My little brother has started football classes as well, he goes to a casual club on a Monday, a school club on a Tuesday, and tomorrow we're taking him to his first structured, professional club which is run by one of the school kid's dads.. 9am on a Saturday. 9am on a Saturday.
And it's cute to see him clumsily kick a ball around and mess around with his friends, although there looks to be too much messing around with friends.. so that's why we want to take him to a more serious one, so he can actually learn a bit.
And because the nights are starting to draw in there have been some beautiful sunsets, which never show up as well on camera, but there's been orangey, flamey lower skies with pink clouds and turquoise upper sky, turning into black night high above. I'm in love with sunsets and pretty skies.

Which feels a little too personal for the internet but ah wells. Today I seem to be back myself, I don't know how I'll wake up tomorrow morning but today I'm bubbly and outgoing, so I'm going to write a post about life lately. I haven't really done a 'we went here today' post in a looong time so I'm just going to post a few pictures I've taken over the last few days/weeks and just chill, and chat, and be myself for a bit.
I'll start with a horrible droney thing that I've been continuously posting about since I started the blog. My fricken' future. I have to do something this year. It's looking like a gap year, except it's October and since July I've been at home doing nothing. This is something I'm naturally okay with, it's probably why I'm on autopilot at the minute, but I'm okay with my own company. Not in a lonely sad way, but in a way that I can get things done when I haven't got people breathing down my neck or distracting me, I can listen to music without headphones, etc. But I'm really not leaving the house enough. I drop my brother off at school and pick him up everyday so I'm still breathing fresh air... But to me, that's not going out of the house. I had a friend who was coming round during her lunch break at work but other than that I see no one. And I've just realised how bad that is. I'm honestly leading a really sad life right now.
But a job is on the cards. However it's become such a big thing now for me to get a job, that every time it's mentioned I want to curl up in bed and cry! I'd love to be in a job, I don't care what job, but if I could just wake up and be in a job that would be lovely. But the process of finding one is not something I'm familiar with, I don't understand this side of the world and it's terrifying.
The thing is I have to get a job, there's no question about it, it's something that has to be done. I'm just kind of waiting around to fall lucky -I'm not stupid, I know that ain't happening, it's just easier to kind of wait...
Okay, droney bit over. Today we did our weekly shop and I'm very excited to talk about it. We bought some Ben & Jerry's, which is a rarity to be honest, the next flavour on my list was Baked Alaska, and it did not disappoint. To the point I think it's become my favourite flavour.
We also found some squeeze its!! Which I spoke about in my childhood favourties post, they don't taste as good as I remember, but they are great.
My favourite buy, which I've only taken one sip of and I'm not 100% sure on the taste.. is Arizona tea, the Green Tea With Honey one. This is all over Instagram. All over Tumblr. And is very aesthetically pleasing to my eyes. I've been after one for ages so I'm happy I finally found one. I tried to take an artsy Instagram photo with it, but we all know it ain't that great..
And that's my highlight of the week.
This is on Instagram and edited to look cooler than this...
But for reals, my main life highlight right now is my cats. I've spent a lot of time these past weeks in bed because they love my bed, and they love cuddling with me. And you just cannot get out of bed when you're being cuddled by kittens.. Mikey also is starting to enjoy being fussed and he'll come cuddle and purr for a bit. But looking after kittens in general is so much fun -and stress don't get me wrong. It took me 10 minutes to tie my shoe laces this morning because Lillie was chewing the ends and un-tieing them, and it's really hard to try and take laces off of a cat...
It's very hard to get good photos of them still, even when they're sleeping.
My little brother has started football classes as well, he goes to a casual club on a Monday, a school club on a Tuesday, and tomorrow we're taking him to his first structured, professional club which is run by one of the school kid's dads.. 9am on a Saturday. 9am on a Saturday.
And it's cute to see him clumsily kick a ball around and mess around with his friends, although there looks to be too much messing around with friends.. so that's why we want to take him to a more serious one, so he can actually learn a bit.
And because the nights are starting to draw in there have been some beautiful sunsets, which never show up as well on camera, but there's been orangey, flamey lower skies with pink clouds and turquoise upper sky, turning into black night high above. I'm in love with sunsets and pretty skies.

This was also at my brother's football club..

So, I was on Instagram, stalking Bastille, and I came across a photo which made me literally die with laughter. And I don't have any Bastille fan friends, so I can't show it to no one because no one will understand it. The caption is referencing their new song. I am praying a Bastille fan stumbles across this post somehow and laughs as much as me because I really need to share this experience with someone!
I don't know if there's a rule that means I can't post this because it's not mine but.. the owner credit is literally in the photo.. so I don't know.
If someone reads this, and they're not a fan, can we laugh anyway because it's still funny?
Okay that's all I wanted to say, and I even got inspiration for a post for tomorrow woo! I miss these kind of posts it's fun to just chat about life, I'm going to have to make more really, maybe it will force myself to be a more interesting person...
Shaan x
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