How I Plan My Holidays

It's 8:46pm at this current moment. I'm in bed, as I usually am these days because of this whopping social life I have at the minute. Note serious sarcasm. It's been a casual but busy-ish day and tomorrow is going to be non-stop chaos. I said I was going to post before the holiday but there's not a chance in hell I'll have any time tomorrow! But I'm thinking of doing a first reaction to the new 5sos song now and posting that tomorrow..
I don't know, anyways, tomorrow is the final day before the holiday so I thought I'd talk a bit about it and how I'm preparing for it.

I'm going to a place called Butlins, in Skegness. I don't know if anyone would have heard of it it's a pretty quiet, under the radar kind of place. Note serious sarcasm. It's kind of tacky, it's a British holiday summed up completely. But I love the place nonetheless, it has a pretty cool swimming pool, where I'll spend most my time because 1, I'm a sucker for water, and 2, it's October and East coast is pretty damn cold and windy in the summer, this is October -in case you didn't know.
But yeah, the place holds a lot of special, and awful memories in my heart (awful being the dreadful sunburn we all caught one year because it was hot and England and we didn't realise that factor 50 needed applying about every 15 minutes. And also that one time I almost got to high five one of the characters who work there (I kinda thought they were celebrities) but he "scubi-dive'd" me in front of lots of people and I've been weary of high five's since.)
The place is great I promise.

I prepare myself for holidays in a very fun, tactical way. Do slow, less important, boring jobs (like clothes washing) in coming weeks, then bombard yourself with everything the day before your holiday. Which may sound a little silly but, if you pack and get yourself completely prepared a week before then you're getting excited too early, and come your holiday eve you're left with all this excitement and nothing to do to pass that ever so slow ticking time.
Your holiday eve is supposed to be stressful. So you might as well give yourself something to stress about, within reason, because remember -all the boring tasks have been done, which leave you with the good stuff to do.
The other important thing to keep in mind is to list. List list list. Lists.
Get a cute notebook and pen, a cup of tea, some Bastille to flow through your ears, and write down everything. Your "to do's", a list of every outfit you're bringing, every pair of shoes, a list for beauty/hair/stuff that makes you pretty, and a list for general bits. Then a list for your roadtrip bag.
Just list.

A run through of my day tomorrow will be: shower, before I go away I have to have a 'special shower' where my body is thoroughly scrubbed clean with my 'special occasion' products, my razor is well in truly made use of, and my hair is super-ly silky smooth. Then I'll pamper (a quick one), paint my nails, moisturise every inch of me and give myself a quick pedicure because people will be seeing my feet if I'm swimming all the time! I have a few bits of ironing to do, then I'll pack everything, suitcase and roadtrip bag -and cross off everything on my lists as I go.
I like to come home to a perfect home so my room has to be thoroughly cleaned top to bottom, sheets washed, windows cleaned, and I'm going to give my rabbit's cage a lovely soapy fresh clean.
Then I have to say my goodbyes to all the pets and give them a special treat so they'll remember that they do like me, despite my leaving them.. cry.
And finally I need to sort out a 'holiday playlist', make sure everything is charged, memory is cleared and ready to go.
All this has to be done whilst babysitting a five year old.
A perfect end to the day would usually be a takeout and a family movie. But we're not actually having takeout tomorrow, so add cooking dinner to that list.

That's how I plan my holidays, it's a pretty chill day actually, packing, pampering, and cleaning.. but it's fully packed and there won't be much time to eat, let alone wind yourself up over the fact you're going on freakin' holiday soon!!!

Shaan x


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