October Favourites.

This is something I haven't ever done before, these posts are my one of my favourites to read and I've always wanted to do one, but I don't really have the things to talk about. I doubt I'll do these regularly but this month I have lots of things I want to talk about, I thought this kind of post would be a good way to talk about everything. And it just happened to fall perfectly on the last few days of October.

  • The fact that I get to wake up every morning to this view. Autumn is one of my favourite seasons because I love its' colours, and having a tree directly outside my bedroom window which is shedding bright orange leaves makes me a bit cheerier over the fact that summer is long gone for another 9 months. 
  • Pot noodles. We bought some for snacks and lunches on holiday, and I never knew how much I needed them in my life. It's like having soup, the're toasty and heat me up when it's chilly outside, and it takes two seconds to make.
  • Hot chocolate. October and December is hot chocolate's time to shine. It's so nice to come home from somewhere, be wet or shivery, and need a hot drink. Hot chocolate is so much cosier and warms you up so much better than tea or coffee can.
I apolagise about the lighting, which in turn ruined the quality, who knew that by half three the light completely goes?
  • Lists. I'm not quite sure why, or what's happening to me, but everyday I'm writing lists to remind me to get dressed, and clean my room, put an load of washing in etc. I'm writing lists about posts, music, everything. And I love it, I can't stop.
  • Dark lipsticks. This purple one is most definitely not in the shops anymore, I've had it for a very long time, and I've always loved the colour, but never been much of a lipstick girl. But it's autumn, and I can't get enough of darker lipsticks, especially this one because it's a gorgeous purple shade with pink tones, but it looks like a dark autumnal lipstick, despite it actually being a very girly colour.
  • Dark red nails. Nail varnish is something I go through stages of wearing constantly and wearing never. Right now I can't get enough of reds, as well as nudes.
  • Darren Shan books. I am obsessed with Darren Shan at the moment, his Demonata series. I'm up to book 7, however I haven't read 2 or 3 -which is probably a bit stupid but the other books fill in the gaps I've missed. I really love Dervish and Grubbs' relationship, I don't really know why it just really makes my heart warm. Apparently these are classed as kids books, but I weren't interested in them until high school where I read a few of the vampire series, and the Demonata. I've re-read these books so much, but it's right now that I'm seriously loving them. I also really like how realistic they are, horror things are known to be stupid and far fetched and utterly ridiculous, and I think if these books were films the probably would be really tacky. But as a book, with your own imagination creating the story, I think they're really good.
  • The Vampire Diaries. I'm not a fan of scary things but as it's Halloween month I feel obliged to add something scary. Even though Darren Shan is scary. I finished series 5, which is as far as UK Netflix has. It ended horrifically. I'm not going to ruin it, but my favourite character came back, and I cried of pure happiness, and then they got rid of my second favourite character. And it broke me. I don't know what to do with myself until the next series comes back.

  • Every British person brings these back from a British holiday. They're one of my favourite things in the world. Felt colouring boards. Where it's impossible to go out of the lines (unless you can get too enthusiastic and slip through the felt by accident. Me. On occasion.) They're honestly very tacky, but so fun. 
  • Heeled boots. I can't get enough of wearing my heeled boots right now.
  • Woolly jumpers. To go with the heeled boots. Perfect Autumnal outfit. I can't get enough of them.
  • Sounds Good Feels Good by 5sos. It would be criminal if this wasn't up here.
  • Halloween songs -mainly This Is Halloween which I've been singing non stop for the past four days, making everyone in my house hate me. And also Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! I'm loving this song at the minute!
  • Candyfloss. We bought some on holiday and me made me feel like an excited child. And it's all over the shops for Halloween.
  • The fact that it's October and I haven't caught a cold or had the flu yet! I am the most prone human to colds and the flu, and it's October and I'm plague free Although I'm putting that down to the fact I haven't left the house since summer. If I knew that's all I needed to do...
  • Everywhere is starting to put up the Christmas decorations! I'm really obsessed with Christmas this year, more than I have been since being a child.
Shaan x


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