Blogmas Day 3: My goals over December

In September I did a list of all the things I wanted to do in autumn. I really liked doing it, and actually it gave me a guide for when I had a free day, to go back to that post and do something I knew I wanted to do. So as Christmas is such a busy period, I thought I'd do the same so I can come back and remember a few of the things I wanted to do this holiday season. I don't know how much free time I'll have this December due to starting full time work, but this is my Christmas goals/bucketlist:

- Go to a Christmas market. I love Christmas markets, they're my favourite days out, I went to one on my 19th birthday and it was one of my favourite days ever.

- Ice skate. I know, I have terrible luck when it comes to ice skating (after smashing my two front teeth last time) but I love to go ice skating, I'm not actually too bad at it and I started learning to skate backwards last time!

- Have a gingerbread house contest. I have wanted to do this for years and I don't know why it still hasn't been done!

- Create the best playlist. Every year I get myself stressed out because no playlist or CD has all my favourite Christmas songs on. Somehow I never have the time to make my own, but this year I'm determined to because I'm hoping to make it a blogmas post.

- Make the most out of my Christmas jumpers. I'm so obsessed with my Christmas jumpers but last year I barely wore them and was so disappointed. This year I want to really make the most out of cute outfits and my jumpers.

- Spend lots of quality time with my family. This year I really distanced myself from my family and I feel so guilty for it, I've been spending lots of time with my family again as of late and it's been so nice.

- Start mentally wrapping the year up. As much as I love Christmas, this time of year is always my favourite because there's so much "fresh start" in the air and everyone is feeling positive, making goals, and reminiscing the past year. I love the mindset it puts me in. And I've got a lot to be wrapping up this year.

- Just enjoy the season. This year has been very hard, and last year Christmas went by so fast I don't remember it. I really want to slow time down this year, enjoy every aspect of Christmas, watch more films, go round shops, play boardgames etc.

- Bake. I love baking at Christmas, when my little brother is off school and bored I like to make Christmas cookies or cakes with him.

- Make mulled wine. I love mulled wine, I did buy things for it last year but wasn't in a good place mentally to be doing things like that and never did it. This year I'd love to make some and sit down to some board games and a Christmas movie.

- Make it the season of self care! I want to really take time out for myself this December, more cosy Lush baths, face masks and keeping hydrated, preparing myself ready for my huge life change in January.

- Blogmas. I'd really like to properly complete Blogmas this year. I really let myself down with my blog in November and the end of October, so to end the year I want to really make a hardcore effort with my blog. Especially because I'll be going into full time work again.

I basically just want a very simple, enjoyable Christmas. I did have so many travel plans and extravagant things I wanted to do, but right now I think the best things for me is just to unwind, take care of myself and have some quality, special, genuine time with my family and friends.
I hope everyone else is taking care of themselves this season, and enjoys it with the people who mean the most to them. Happy holidays.

Shan x


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