Le Musée

I was up town earlier, we had finished doing what we needed to, but didn't want to go home just yet, so we took a spontaneous trip into the museum. I did this last year when I wasn't on my blog but still planning loads of posts. I took loads of photos ready to post them but never got round to it and now those photos are long gone. Aside from last summer, it's been years since I went to the museum, as a kid it was one of my favourite places, I'd play 'quiet geek spends entire life in library then one day meets cute boy and the exhibits come to life and kidnap girl and cute boy would save her' all the time. As a child the museum was a big adventure, I loved the history behind everything, but it was just a perfect place for games (this is not a posh museum where children are forbidden to make any noise, it's more of an educational park) I was never one of those rowdy kids running around pretending to be a dinosaur, I was very good at playing the quiet geeky girl who knew everything about everything. Since that age the museum has been renovated twice, it's a different place now, still with the same exhibits and childlike feel, but it's posher, there's more dinosaurs, and it got with the times and became techno. Even though it's been years the place still has that homely feel to it and it takes me back to all my childhood memories, here's a few pictures:

As you walk in, there's a hall then the first thing you come to is the dinosaur area.

The next room is based on animals around the world, it is filled with displays of stuffed animals which actually makes me sad really.. but this room is really dark, there are tunnels underneath the displays you can go through and poke your head up to get a closer view of the animals. The room is decorated with trees that have opening doors with tree animals inside, and the ceiling is covered in forestry and leaves. The room has such a cool feel to it. And I actually learned a lot, like platypus' are real animals, lions are actually quite small -especially compared to zebras, and polar bears are smaller than I thought too. 

My favourite part is ancient Egypt. During school this was my favourite subject, I was such a geek for it. Everything about Egyptians was so interesting, but to see a real life mummy is weird, and to see it's toes poking out the bottom of the bandages is even weirder. The plastic mummy coming out of the wall used to terrify me as a kid and I wouldn't dare go near it, especially because it's in the darkest corner.

There was an extra part of the museum which held some more modern history, Picasso art, Japanese pottery, and some old artifacts from a previous life, but I didn't get to take many pictures of that.

Shaan x

P.s, I know this is the 'currently listening to' day but I really wanted to post this instead. Hopefully I'll get that up tomorrow.


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