A s'morey night in

I've not posted in a few days because I've decided to try out a proper schedule, I'm going to post Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and see if that works well,

Last week we checked off another item from our autumn bucket list. We had a cosy night in, making s'mores and popcorn and watching horror movies, wrapped up in blankets, the window open a little bit, and the candles lit. We re-watched IT because we loved it so much, and I got J to watch The Lost Boys, as he'd never seen it before. The Lost Boys is one of my all time favourite movies and "death by stereo" is one of my favourite quotes ever too.

To make our s'mores we bought rich tea biscuits, I had vegan chocolate but J used nutella, then we toasted our marshmallows over the stove and piled it all together. I know I'm vegan/transitioning vegan, and that marshmallows have gelatine in, but I couldn't find any alternatives and really wanted this s'mores night. I figured a cheat day was okay.

We also popped a bag of (salted, always salted) popcorn into the microwave, and took ourselves to bed for our cute little night in.

It cost us about £3-£4, and we had a lovely night. Perfect for us right now while we're trying not to spend before going on holiday and with me, jobless. 

It has to be said, they're not the most aesthetic things to make. Especially my boyfriend's mess over on the left plate.

That concludes our cosy night in, I will be on an extensive hunt for vegan marshmallows, and more spooky movies we'll both enjoy, until then...

Shan x 


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