Chapter One: An update

So I've affirmed the blog that I've left university, confessed my mental health struggles, dramatically left my job, dyed my hair, and now I'm left with the looming question of 'what now?' Now that I'm coming to terms with my mental health, left university, and talking about my chapter one with the new start on my blog, what exactly is that chapter and where is it leading me?

It's taken me a long time to figure out my chapter one, and how I'd have, or want my fresh start to be, because I'd been focusing for the majority of this year on just learning to be happy again, that every other aspect of my life had got lost. I didn't know who I was, what I wanted out of life, or what I enjoyed.

I've stopped focussing on wanting a career for now, I've spent years chasing a career and learnt it didn't bring me happiness. For the first time in my life I'm focussing wholly on me. Myself as a person. I found I was instantly drawn back to writing, and rebooted my blog. Since then, I have made Twitter and Instagram accounts dedicated solely to my blog and promoting my little words and it's been so fun, the little interactions I've had with people have been so inspiring, there's a whole community out there that I never knew existed.
So my main focus is on my blog at the moment because that's where I've felt more me, and more happy. Normally when I focus on myself I get really into the gym and start losing weight but I'm feeling so uninspired to lose weight right now, I'm the heaviest I've been in so long and I just can't keep the motivation up to go gym and lose it, which is okay, I'm listening to my body and what I feel like my head can physically cope with -which isn't the gym right now. I don't want to over exert myself and burn out mentally again.

Job wise, I'm thinking of rerouting myself up to the north of Leicester and trying out Loughborough, it's something me and my boyfriend have been talking about for so long and we've both reached a point where Leicester just has nothing more to offer us. Tomorrow he has a day off so we're going to print CVs and hand them all over Loughborough. I'm praying to God something comes of it because I need a job.
I'm way too low on money.
Not that I've even checked.
Because I daren't when I'm supposed be going on holiday in just over a week.

I'm just looking for a light and easy job so I can have an income whilst I focus on my blogging and writing and living my life.

So basically expect a lot more content on my blog, I am, after so long, properly back again. New content is going to still revolve a lot around my "operation change my life" style posts, new starts, cute days out, always the odd rant here and there. Perhaps some more genuine, real life topic based chats. And a lot more transparency when it comes to mental health, I'd like to fully document my journey on here as I always have done. Just so I can look back and see my growth over the years.

I'm excited for what's to come with my Chapter One, only good things from here.

Shan x


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