Hello September

As much as I am a summer girl, I love the warm weather, I love the beach and the sea and not feeling cold every time I leave the house -there's just something about autumn/winter. I'm always so excited to start wearing baggy sweaters, woolly jumpers, boots, and anything burgundy, whilst having all the pumpkin spiced lattes, cinnamon candles and dark evenings with endless movies. Or mostly I just like collecting conkers and walking on crunchy leaves, and having my halloween playlist on repeat but there we are.
September for me, because it's the back to school era, it feels like a (somewhat overdue) mid-year fresh start, and after my last post and my plan to start anew, I was just itching to have a little September goals, 'welcome to the new season' kind of post.

So here is a little list of my personal goals I want to achieve this September:

- I signed up this month to a month long vegan challenge. I'm new to trying out a vegan lifestyle but have been cutting down on animal produce all year. This site Pro Veg makes it a little more fun because it's an actual challenge and they have so many tips, ideas, meals, and everyday I'm receiving an email to say how much that one day has helped towards saving animals and the environment. It's even inspiring my boyfriend to cut down too.

- Be an autumn Goddess. This year I'm not going to have any fear in not wearing what I want to. Autumn vibes are my favourite but being shy and living in hoodies and jeans I never had the confidence to just own my style. This year I'm going to wear all the dark lipsticks, cute skirts and boots. And own it.

- Write more. A personal goal I want to focus on in my 'finding myself' scheme. I've always been a writer and always described myself that way. But in reality I haven't properly written in years. I've just had the worst writer's block, I bought a new notebook a few weeks ago and forced myself to start writing this book I'd been planning in my head for years, and even though at first it felt so unnatural and I'm not sure if I like any of it, it's getting me back into practice and I'm enjoying it again.

- Master contact lenses. I'm currently on a trial for contacts because I feel my glasses ruin too many banging outfits/looks I accomplish but I have the worst eye reflexes and I've been struggling so much. But after about 10 attempts today I got them in, I'm getting better.

- My blog. Obviously my blog is something I'm working hard on at the minute. This week I made a new Twitter dedicated to my blog and it's going really well. It's actually made me excited to blog again and I've missed that feeling so much. It's so nice to have something I love again that I want to invest my time into.

I have a few autumn themed goals but I'm going to dedicate them to a spooky post I have coming up, so I'll leave this here with my personal goals for my new start. Also just to kind of update the blog, as I'd left my last post on 'here's what I've been going through' but no explanation as 'where we're going from here'.

Here's to a fun filled, challenged September.

Shan x


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