Storytime: I left my job

Okay so. Here's. The. Motherfucking. Tea.

I've had a margarita, and I realise this post is not going to be professional or educational, or very 'bloggy' but I feel so empowered right now and I think it's going to be such a good follow on from my previous post if anyone else is suffering from either being bullied at work, or feeling stuck in their job or hating their job, or their boss, or anything.

(This is my margarita, made by my angel of a boyfriend)

As a bit of back story: I work on a zero hour contract, working usually 4-10 on Friday nights, and split shifts on Saturday and Sunday. During the past few weeks, work have been changing my rota and taking Friday evenings off of me, a few times I turned up to work expecting to be working only to be turned away, and other times I'd get a phone call in the week asking me to work on the Friday evening (after originally taking me off of it ???).
So last weekend I'd decided to triple check my rota, saw that I hadn't been put on for the Friday evening and ensure that no matter what happened, I would not work this Friday (today). Because I was exhausted, sad, and being bullied, and not rota'd in for it.
Something in me just knew they would change my rota in the week and put me on the Friday shift. But as mentioned in my previous post, I'm 'at uni' all week and unable to go into work everyday to see if they've changed my rota.

So today, come 4pm I was anxiously awaiting a call I knew was coming "Shannon, why are you not at work?". And come 4pm, that call came. I answered the phone and told them I had checked the rota last weekend and that I hadn't been put down to work. I told them I couldn't come in because I was in town, which is true. The phone call ended rather abruptly on their part.

Two minutes later I received another call from my boss, boss. Who starts our conversation with "Shannon. You need to come to work. Now."
I politely decline her, explaining I had checked my rota last week, seen that I wasn't working, and don't have opportunity in the week to constantly go into work on the off chance that they had changed my rota.
She then went on to say "the rota hasn't changed in two weeks Shannon. You are on shift and need to come in now."
I should mention she shouted/screamed this whole conversation to me.
I replied with "if the rota hadn't changed, and I was put on to work this Friday, I would be at work right now wouldn't I?"

Some further screaming and shouting went on and our words had just merged into nothing, shouting over each other and not listening to what the other person was saying.

She then said "Shannon. Don't you talk to me like that."

And I said "don't talk to me like that then."

She screamed some more and I hung up the phone, sent a text to the team leader saying "consider this my immediate resignation" and had a margarita. I'm now on a very large glass of wine, planning on watching a girly, female empowered movie tonight and having a bloody fantastic Friday night.

I might be low on cash, but the amazing empowered feeling I have right now is insane, I feel on top of the world for being able to really let out all this built up anger I had towards the company.

 I realise it probably wasn't professional of me to do, but I was at my wits end with this company, beaten down and wore, mentally, to the bone. Being able to let out my rage has put me on cloud nine and I felt that after the way I've been treated, being able to leave on an argument has made me feel like I somewhat have the upper hand. Of course, I probably won't have any references from them now, or even my last few weeks of pay. But my pride is untouched and I feel great.

Here's to a good night and good things upcoming, because we can only go up from here.

Shan x


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