A January Round-up

The first month of the new year is gone, usually everyone's resolutions are officially down the drain by now so I want to do a round up after each month on how the past month has gone and how my resolutions are going. I kind of want to avoid the topic of resolutions as I haven't even started them yet... But they are in process of coming together, I have been more organised but I haven't been handing in college work on time or organising my time efficiently. But I've been getting up earlier and I've managed to catch every bus to college on time (which still isn't good enough for my teachers but there ya go). I've spent all of this month ill with something so it hasn't been the best start of the year and at some points my life seemed to be completely falling apart but that's where the start of next month comes to save us all, things are coming together, my illnesses have (hopefully) gone now and my resolutions can start to set in place. My main goal for next month is to not get up at 2pm on my days off and to beat procrastination by catching up on college work.
The highlights of this month have been my blog, it has been such a different place on here compared to last year, I've been posting regularly and it's become a place for me to be myself. I like how anonymous it is, none of my friends know I have a blog, and I don't do any advertising to try and get people to read it. However people do read it, and people from all over the world do, and it's amazing to watch my stats go up every day. It's definitely become a place I can come to when the drama of real life becomes too ridiculous to be a part of anymore, and it clears my mind a lot so then I can return to the drama more focused with a clearer, calmer mind -if that makes any sense.
This is a short, short round up of January, hopefully February will have a lot more to talk about and hopefully more positiveness from college and resolutions well on their way -which already isn't working because I'm supposed to be doing an assignment right now but I wanted to update my blog instead.

Weird irrelevant photo but I found this on my laptop and wanted to post it because I've mentioned Alfie before but never posted a picture of him and he's so small here (also, posts always look better if some there's a photo on them)

Shan x


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