Blogmas Day 17: Goals For My Blog In 2016

I don't want to write about Christmas! I want to write about bloggy things, and music and things I like to talk about. Because this girl is not very Christmassy this year, and it pains me because this year was supposed to be good. So this post is not Christmassy, because I don't want to think about Christmas today. I'm going to talk about my blog. Because I miss that.
My blog was originally created to be a beauty blog, I have followed YouTubers for years, I love beauty, makeup, hair.. the whole sha'bang (I don't know how you're supposed to spell that word..) so much that I did a college course in it, and started a blog because I was too shy to do a YouTube. However, I realised I felt lost in the beauty world, a lot of people are businessman through beauty blogs, I didn't have all that much knowledge about what I loved, and I didn't have the money to buy all the 'new hot products' all the bloggers were raving about.
So my blog happened to naturally take a direction that was just me, chatting away about music I love, places I love, documents of myself with friends, moans about college teachers, and a few too many life revealing rants.
This blog has become another version of me. Written for me, from me. Which is a strange concept if you think about it for too long.
I know, I know, not a Christmassy post. But I can still add a semi-Christmassy photo I took of my legs and ankles and feet that one time.

Towards the end off this year my blog ratings have sky rocketed, in the space of a month my reading count had gone up by 130% against the entire history of my blog. I'm not saying I have tons of people reading, because I don't, but I have had a few crazy months of a decent sized viewing. 
Which completely scared the living daylight out of me because it felt weird to have so many people reading my junk on the internet.  

Next year I want my blog to become more of a thing. I've learnt myself a decent amount of the ropes, I've got myself a number of posts behind me, and from next year I'd like to make a schedule, to post at a certain time, certain days a week. I want to post about makeup a bit more, because I like that, I want to post about clothes, because I love that even more! I want endless music posts on Currently Listening To's and album reviews, I want to throw in a few book reviews from time to time, maybe, I'll shed some of my opinions out, talk about the things that I care about, try to make a difference.
I will forever write posts about walking the dog and going to town, and seeing friends, and probably rant about things far too personal. Because this blog is me, and always will be, I just want to branch out a bit more, make it more grown up and be experimental. 

No one knows about my blog, maybe, if I'm comfortable enough next year, I might link it on my Twitter, let someone read it who doesn't just stumble upon it from the internet.

I'm also so very desperate for a good camera. I have forever been in love with photography, it was a dream career at one point. I want to learn more about the technical sides to photography, and own a good quality camera, I know any camera is okay for your first camera, but I'm just a little bit in love with the big fancy ones.
Hopefully this job I need to get myself next year will pay for that..

More than anything, I want to take this blog with me on my next chapter of life. One where I'm a little more grown up, and a little more staring right in the face of the adult world. 
Always a little more clumsy than the previous year.

I just want this year over so I can begin my resolutions and start my life.

Shaan x


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