Blogmas Day 5: My 18th Birthday

This post is not about my birthday, not really. But it is in fact my birthday, and I don't want to skip a Blogmas, so I'm going to talk about things that might be birthday related but are more life related. I'm having a bad day and I just want to blog.

So, my 18th, how's that going? Well, I tried to make pancakes, but due to kitchen emergencies it had to be swapped for a cooked breakfast, which I was fine with but I was awfully full and sicky afterwards. I decided on a bath pamper session, and never had such a stressful time leg shaving ever.(legs are still very hairy after half an hour of shaving). I left my bath and pampered, but after all the hassle, had to be cut short because my mum decided she was going to put the tree up before I had finished. I fell down the stairs and got carpet burn on my bum, and I'm pretty sure a bruise is coming along with that also, when I fell I did that thing where you laugh really hard and then your laughter slowly merges into absolute sobbing... I then found a huge cut going down my leg a few minutes ago, and I don't know how that happened...
I'm having "one of those days" but does "one of those days" really have to happen on my birthday? My 18th at that? I've never been through something as disastrous in my life. The preparation of my birthday included.
Tomorrow needs to be better.
Oh my goodness I'm now having awful pain in my arm from where I broke my arm a few years ago and it's hurting to type.
Also my phone has been on charge all day and hasn't budged further than 3%.

I'm not a whiny person I swear.

Well, I am right now because I bloody well think I deserve to be!

So what has being 18 taught me so far? My first introduction into "adult life". It's taught me bloody hell, life sucks. I've been responsible for keeping a smile on my face today, and although I've slipped up a few times. Seven times. I haven't given up, so either being 18 has magically taught me to be stronger over life, or.. I have no other explanation. I'm feeling maturer, and I know it's psychological, but I suddenly want to be an adult, I want to get a job and move out. Hell, I just want a life. Do you know how embarrassing it is when people ask me how I am or what I'm doing or "oh you're not in college? Cool, what are you doing then?" Um siting in my room love, sitting in my room.

I don't understand how I'm writing this post SO light heatedly, I should be really moody and grouching on here but I'm just not. I'm having an awful day (though it's about to get much better) (should anyways) but I'm not angry about it, sometimes I suddenly get teary. Seven times. But that's just lack of sleep.
I haven't cried in so long. Even when I wanted to. I was saying just yesterday I'm going to become Cameron Diaz from The Holiday, but more likely to become Brad Pitt from his episode in Friends. And I think I've been a mixture of both today, just letting out emotions from all those times I wanted to cry but couldn't.

So, anyways, I think being 18 is going to be good. I feel different, I feel taller, I'm going to fix my life. Because I'm now a responsible adult and I need to actually do something rather than embarrassing myself and lowering myself to a life of slobbing around doing nothing..

My phone battery has actually risen to 6% now. See, things are already looking up.

Shaan x

P.S I'm sorry this wasn't a happy Christmassy post


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