How I Spend Christmas Day

I've got some free time to post! I so badly wanted to post yesterday but I ended the day very over eaten, very hot (the house was boiling?) and very tired and I ended up having no energy to do anything other than sleep. I was sleep deprived the night before due an awful nightmare waking me up every hour -those ones that last the entire night...
And today has been a busy day too. It's ruined my plans as to what I wanted to do with my Christmas posts so I'll quickly explain that. Today I will talk about how I spent Christmas, and just because today was a good day I'll throw in a bit about today. Then tomorrow I'll post what I got for Christmas, then from then on 'till new year I'll be posting round-ups of the year, getting ready for 2016.

So for Christmas day.
I was (after a rough night) woken around 7am by thud thud thud "MUM SANTA CAME!" a load of cuffuffling noises then "go wake Shannon" then "oh she's already on the landing"
Then my brother came into my room while I opened my stocking (after he'd spewed his stocking across my mum's bed) before we ran downstairs to open our presents. 
My brother got a new bike for Christmas, a big-boy-cool-bike and it was sitting next to his presents. it should  have been the first thing he saw but he didn't. At all. When he was almost done unwrapping everything shouting "OH MY GOD STAR WARS" at almost everything, my mum had to say to him "have you seen your bike yet" and he was like "OH MY GOD A BIKE!" his enthusiasm was everything haha.
I got my turntable and played a few singles that my dad had found from his collection and given to me.
Then we had first breakfast. (which is chocolate)
And then it was real breakfast time. Normally we have a full English but we really wasn't feeling it, our stomachs have shrunk this year, that little bit of chocolate filled me for the day.
So instead, this year, I cooked some bacon sandwiches, which were ah-mazing!
And then that was it really.
I got a book and spent the day reading that whilst munching on a Terry's Chocolate Orange. My brother played with his toys all day, fell down the stairs head first at one point and cried a fair bit..
Then there was amazing TV on. I'm embarrassed to say I've never (until now) watched ET the whole way through, and this year I did. And I cried a lot.
Then straight after was Jurassic Park 2 which I love as much as the first because.. Jeff Goldblum is really good in this one. But it's the only one we don't have on DVD so I never get to watch it. After that the dinner was put on, and it had started to get late. 
Then it was 11pm and dinner was done (I know! 11pm!), and my brother was lively and I was about to drop asleep, and everywhere was so hot.
But dinner was good. We always have a chicken in our Christmas dinner instead of turkey because my mum doesn't like it. 
My brother had pizza because he doesn't eat much else.
We drank wine.
Were too full for pudding.
And flopped into bed just in underwear because it was so hot and chocolate was coming out of our pores, and fell asleep before we could even get comfortable.

Today I was the first person up -which never happens these days. At around 11am-ish we all finally made our lazy ways downstairs for more bacon sandwiches and Queen playing rather loud on my turntable, and it was one of those perfect infinite moments the "spontaneous happiness moments" as I like to call them. We had to venture outdoors to get some batteries for my brothers toys, and then once home I decided to have a bath using a very special Christmas present (tomorrow..) and while it was kind of a disaster trying to have a bath (I'm rubbish at them. They always end up too cold. So I left the hot tap running until we ran out of hot water and let it run cold. And then it was too hot to go anywhere near the bathroom. But I had to be quick to catch a film I really wanted to watch, then suddenly loads of flies died in my bath. So I closed the bathroom window in disgust. And fished them out. Then I had my bath -which was beautiful) and I overheated so much I was d-renched in sweat. Which was okay really because I was in a bath...) it ended up being an amazing time because of my Christmas present, and because -well, I had intended to listen to Halsey in my bath because she was stuck in my head, but I ended up listening to all these 80s song -Build Me Up Buttercup, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Wake Me Up Before You Go... and then it changed into songs from Grease and I was just jamming out in the bath pretending I was Julia Roberts and questioning the era of time I was born in.
Then my day turned into absolute disaster! I said I wanted to cook the dinner today (we have three roasts over Christmas all with different meats) because I wanted to learn to cook a roast.
All I'm going to say is a broke the oven, ruined a saucepan, nearly set the house on fire, then after redeeming the dinner, nearly set it on fire again, filled the kitchen with smoke, caused a disgusting smell from the oven to completely gas out the downstairs twice, ruined every single piece of food I tried to cook.
Ended up with beef sandwiches..

And now I'm blogging.

It has been an eventful day, but what's Christmas without eventful days? I'm now going to watch Penelope, because it's one of my favourite films and I've really been in the mood to watch it the past few days.
I'm hoping that everyone had a wonderful Christmas, whether they were with family or not, friends or not, whether they were given the world or not, and whether they had a home or not. A lot of northern England were forced out of their homes on Christmas and Boxing day due to flooding... And a lot of people don't have a home to flood in the first place.. Just Merry Christmas.

Shaan x


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