Blogmas Day 6: The Christmas Tag

I was so busy yesterday I didn't get round to posting, if I really wanted I could have found the time but I was still a little sulky about my birthday, not because my birthday didn't go as planned, it was just an all round horrible day, and the fact it was my birthday just made it worse, I still can't walk comfortably after falling down the stairs. So I'm posting twice in one day again, but I won't post the other 'till later because I need to take the photos for it when it's dark.. which is about now actually to be honest but we have gas and plumber people in the house and if I start taking photos I think I'd freak them out a little..
So, I'm not feeling particularly festive today (still a little sulky -and very sore from those bloody stairs) so I'm keeping things simple, but still fun -I'm doing a tag, which I actually really love doing, though it's going to be slightly awkward because a few of the questions I'm turning into posts themselves so I can't answer directly.. Anyway here goes:

1, What is your favourite Christmas film?
Always, always it has to be Elf, but today I'm feeling like answering with Grounded. (more on Christmas films coming soon..)

2, Have you ever had a white Christmas?
We had a tiny bit of snow that had turned into thick ice-y stuff one year and it was melted within an hour of waking up.

3, Where do you usually spend your holiday?
Always in my house, there's been times (twice) we went to my Grandparents house on the 22nd, but that's it, sometimes my dad will come round for an hour on Christmas day but that ins't too often. Our house used to be full of immediate family, but last year, and this year, our immediate family consists of three. Which is all we need.

4, What is your favourite Christmas song?
Ah I can't answer this! Possibly Shakin' Stevens, Merry Christmas Everyone but there are far too many!

5, Do you open any presents on Christmas eve?
There are no presents under the tree until Christmas morning, apart from ones given by family and friends, and to be honest I'm terrible with those ones, I open them the second I receive them..

6, Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Dancer, Prancer Dasher, Nixon, Dixon, Blitzer, Rudolph? I never learnt them however I watched Jingle All The Way a few days ago so I kind of have the names in my head.. I don't know how many there are and whether I made all them up or not though haha..

7, What Christmas traditions are you looking forward to this year?
Every body does Christmas differently, and everyone has their own traditions, however we don't have a particular thing that we do, I could possibly say getting excited and opening the Christmas chocolates early, which has already been done.. oops. And also drinking Baileys, obviously in previous years I have been underage, but my mum always let me taste some from her glass, and when she turned her back I'd sneak another sneaky sip, then freak out because traces of it remain around the glass so you can tell when it's been drank from, and I was scared she'd notice and shout at me for it..

8, Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Fake, and it makes me so sad! But it's not an ugly cheap, fake one which you'll see in the next post I post.

9, What is your favourite holiday food/sweet treat?
I'm answering this as what's my favourite food and sweet treat, because I freakin' love savoury food, but Christmas is about chocolate.. So for savoury food, it would be a tie between cocktail sausages and scotch eggs/savoury eggs because I spend all Christmas snacking on them things -actually no! Holy Moly! Salted peanuts! Peanuts define Christmas! As for sweet things it's a toss up between Ferrero Rocher and Lindor by Lindt those things are beautiful!

10, Do you prefer receiving or giving gifts?
I've never gave someone gifts by being able to use my imagination and making it really special, or with my own money, it's always been "I 'll give you enough money to buy four friends some presents" so I haven't been able to go all out and really experience present giving, so I have to say present receiving.

11, What is the best present you ever received?
This is becoming a separate post so I cannot ruin that, but in all honesty I can't answer it, I have a 'main' present every year which is always my favourite but my favourite out of all the Christmases? I could answer with my very first favourite present, I was three and I still remember opening it so it must have been special.. I was obsessed with Barbie and my mum had bought me a big, pink Barbie box which was full of hair bobbles, pins, accessories, it was a storage box for hair things and it had two trays on top of the deep storage area, over the years it got full with hair accessories and bits and pieces, it lasted till I was about 11 until it eventually broke, and I still remember ripping the paper off and shouting "it's Barbie!"

12, Where would be your favourite place to go during the holidays?
Either London or New York, or maybe even Paris but due to language barriers it wouldn't be a place I'd be completely comfortable in. I feel like London and New York do Christmas right, with the lights, the ice skating, the shops, the 'big deal' it is made out to be...

13, Are you a pro-present wrapper, or messy present wrapper?
I'm very conflicted by this issue, I'm an extreme perfectionist and I like everything to look neat and new, and looked after, professional, pretty.. but I just can't get the hang of wrapping paper! I mean I'm not awful, but by my perfectionist standards it's just not good enough.

14, Most memorable holiday moment?
Me and my sister got loads of money spent on us one year -thousands, it was the Christmas that outdid all other Christmases. And we had loads of dressing up costumes, Cinderella, Snow White, Barbie as a princess, Barbie as a pauper, these snow queen costumes, a fairy.. me and my sister had a fashion show and we took photos of almost every costume which now hangs on my bedroom wall, I was 5 I think, and I remember so well because me and my sister were always so stubborn about who's stuff was who's, she had her toys which were forbidden to me and I had mine which were forbidden to her, but when we were dressing up we just gave each other our costumes and said "do you want to try my Cinderella one?" and "can I borrow your queen cape for this outfit?" and it always stuck with me somehow..

15, What made you realise the truth about Santa?
I'm doing a post on this, and answering now would ruin the entire thing.. I will say that I'm pretty sure I was 7, and it was two o'clock in the morning.

16, do you make New Year's Resolutions and do you stick to them?
My ultimate New Year's Resolutions has been the same for as long as I can remember: to lose weight. And I always lose my Christmas weight, so I guess it works to some extent.. this year I'd lost so so much, but after college and me staying in the house all the time.. I'd put on a ridiculous amount.. The past few weeks have been really difficult however, and I've lost my appetite, so a lot of it has been lost, but I'm not toned like I was earlier in the year, it's all gone on my hips and legs and I'll only lose that by going running again.

17, What makes the holidays special for you?
I like this one, the holidays are so special because of the atmosphere, it's December and freezing yet you're never really cold because the Christmas season itself is warm, everyone kind of comes together, Christmas spirit is a real thing and everywhere is just so much more enjoyable, for some reason you just want to give out to everyone who doesn't have what you have, it's about family and friends and people and friendliness and happiness. And I love that, it's just a time of the year where everyone are equals.

Shaan x


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